Preston Patterson

Hey there, I'm Preston Patterson

I'm a full-stack developer. Check out my work below!



A drink app that allows a user to search for cocktails and find out how to make them.
Primary Languages Used: React, MySQL

My Kitchen

My Kitchen
A recipe aggregator that shows popular recipes, instructions, and videos based on the search term.
Primary Languages Used: HTML, CSS, 3rd party API calls


A Star Wars themed GIF generator using the Giphy API.
Primary Languages Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery

Crystal Collector

Crystal Collector
A simple math game built with JavaScript and jQuery.
Primary Languages Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery

Liri Node App

Liri Node App
A CLI Node app that allows a user to search for concerts, songs in Spotify, and movies.
Primary Languages Used: Node, JavaScript, 3rd party API calls


Here's what I currently know:
